 Hello! I'm Arindam, currently working as a Software Engineer at Deutsche Bank. I completed B.E. in Information Technology from Jadavpur University, based in Kolkata, India. Passionate about continuous learning, I strive to stay updated with the latest advancements in technology and am always eager to explore new ideas and innovations.

 In my free time, I enjoy a variety of activities like watching movies, listening to music, and learning new things online. I also love playing video games, which helps me relax and recharge. I've worked on lots of projects, and while I've solved some issues, I'm still figuring out solutions for others. As I continue my journey, I'm excited to keep learning, thinking in unique ways, and staying updated with all the cool tech stuff. My goal is to make a mark in the ever-changing world of IT.
View Portfolio
Experience Timeline
  • company
    Deutsche Bank
    Technology Analyst
    July 2024 - Present
    Skills: Spring Boot • Mircoservice • OpenShift • TeamCity • Oracle SQL Developer • Java • gRPC • Junit • Automation Testing
  • company
    Beta Tester
    Mar 2023 - Apr 2023
    Tested all JavaScript related Frontend problems on LeetCode, recorded all feedbacks and issues on each problems, interacted with the problem setters on Slack and provide them the feedbacks upon the added problems
    Skills: JavaScript
  • company
    Software Development Engineer
    Sep 2022 - Oct 2022
    Worked both Frontend as well as Backend Developer, developed login system of their website and implemented ID verification system using Aadhaar, Pan, Voter OCR
    Skills: ReactJS • NodeJS • MongoDB • Mongoose • AiNxt OCRs • Digilocker API • S3 Bucket
Education Timeline
  • school
    Jadavpur University
    Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), Information Technology
    June 2020 - June 2024
    Grade: 8.48 CGPA • First Class Distinction
    Throughout my academic journey, I acquired proficiency in a wide range of technologies. Additionally, I gained a solid foundation in core subjects such as Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Database Management Systems (DBMS), Operating Systems (OS), Computer Networks (CN).
  • school
    Pannalal Institution
    WBCHSE, Science
    Apr 2018 - Apr 2020
    Grade: 96.6%
    Completed 12th standard in WBCHSE board at Pannalal Institution specializing in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology.
Skills - Technologies
Programming Skills :
Web Technologies :
AWS Services :
Database Management :
Achievements - Certifications
Winner in Coding Conquest 2022 hackathon organised by Code Conquerors Club (CCC), Sushant University, Gurugram
2nd Runner Up among 750+ participants in Error 404 Hackathon organised by Micro Organization
2nd Runner Up in Synchronicity S1 Hackathon organized by Jadavpur University ACM Student Chapter with Department of Information Technology, Jadavpur University
Selected in the Amazon ML Summer School Program 2023 organized by Amazon
Developed and managed the website of Srijan'23, the annual techno-management fest of Jadavpur University that crossed 59,907 views & 8,105 visitors in just 7 days
Paper - Publications
vit architecture
Implementing vision transformer for classifying 2D biomedical images
Arindam Halder, Sanghita Gharami, Priyangshu Sadhu, Pawan Kumar Singh[0000-0002-9598-7981], Marcin Wozniak*[0000-0002-9073-5347], Muhammad Fazal Ijaz*[0000-0001-5206-272X]
In recent years, the growth spurt of medical imaging data has led to the development of various machine learning algorithms for various healthcare applications. The MedMNISTv2 dataset, a comprehensive benchmark for 2D biomedical image classification, encompasses diverse medical imaging modalities such as Fundus Camera, Breast Ultrasound, Colon Pathology, Blood Cell Microscope etc. Highly accurate classifications performed on these datasets is crucial for identification of various diseases and de...
Scientific Reports (Nature)
book chapter
A Lightweight Attention-based Convolutional Neural Network for Classification of 3D Biomedical Images
Rajat Rajoria, Sanghita Gharami, Arindam Halder, Pawan Kumar Singh[0000-0002-9598-7981], Zong Woo Geem[0000-0002-0370-5562]
In recent years, the significant expansion of medical imaging data has spurred the creation of diverse deep learning models for numerous healthcare applications. Developments surrounding Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have played a major role in this aspect. In addition to performing analysis on 2D biomedical images, it is necessary to perform analysis and classification tasks on 3D biomedical images. These biomedical images capture volumetric data, allowing for a more thorough analysis and...
CRC Press: Taylor & Francis in Florida, USA
fuzzy ensemble
A fuzzy rank-based deep ensemble methodology for multi-class skin cancer classification
Arindam Halder, Anogh Dalal, Sanghita Gharami, Marcin Wozniak*[0000-0002-9073-5347], Muhammad Fazal Ijaz*[0000-0001-5206-272X], Pawan Kumar Singh[0000-0002-9598-7981]
Skin cancer is widespread and can be potentially fatal. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), it has been identified as a leading cause of mortality. It is essential to detect skin cancer early so that effective treatment can be provided at an initial stage. In this study, the widely-used HAM10000 dataset, containing high-resolution images of various skin lesions, is employed to train and evaluate. Our methodology for the HAM10000 dataset involves balancing the imbalanced dataset by ...
Scientific Reports (Nature)